Five Advantages of being an Unknown Author

Five Advantages of being an Unknown Author

Written by: Ben Finn

Ben Finn is an Author trapped in an Employee's body. He is the co-author of the Kill Them Dead - Start of the Zombie Apocalypse series, as well as a few other stand-alone books you will find on this site. However, his musings and weird utterances do not always make sense. But hey he was told blogging would change his world so it is a Narcissistic exercise. Above all, he loves his wife and two boys.

October 14, 2024

In a previous article, I covered why it is more than okay to be an unknown author. This fleeting muse is just an expansion of that topic and here we will look at five advantages of being an Unknown Author.

The Perks of Being an Unknown Author (Yes, They Exist!)

We’ve all had the fantasy.

The one where your book hits the shelves, blows up overnight, and suddenly you’re a literary celebrity sipping cocktails with Stephen King.

Sounds cool, sure, but what about the rest of us? The unknown authors who are quietly tapping away at their keyboards, dreaming in our own small corners of the universe?

The unknown author still juggling a day job?

The unknown author who feels ashamed for not writing every single day. Not figuring out social media or TikTok.

Struggling to dance on a reel, holding your book in one hand and your daughter in the other.

(True story)

O my good word…

Relax take a deep breath.

Turns out, not being famous is actually a blessing. No, seriously.

1. You Control Your Narrative

Being an unknown author gives you one thing every big-name author loses: control.

You’re the boss of your stories, your schedule, your entire creative journey. You don’t have an agent breathing down your neck or a massive fan base demanding the next release. You get to write for yourself, set your own rules, and evolve at your own pace.

You don’t have to write to “market”.

Your market might even be only a few people.

Who cares.

And guess what? Nobody’s going to call you out for “ruining” your own series or harass you on social media about plot points. You’re free to craft your story the way you want, not the way someone else expects.

2. Experiment Without Pressure

Do you want to mix genres, try something wild, or write a collection of haikus about llamas? Go for it! No one’s holding you back. When you’re an unknown author, the freedom to explore and experiment is infinite. You can make mistakes, test out new writing styles, and throw wild ideas at the wall to see what sticks—all without judgment.

This is where some of the most exciting and creative work can happen. Being anonymous means you don’t have to cater to a pre-existing audience or “brand.” You get to find your voice, and that’s where the magic begins.

3. You Can Fail in Private

Falling flat on your face isn’t so bad when no one’s watching. In fact, it’s a gift. Best-selling authors might get publicly skewered for a flop, but you? You can experiment, fail, and grow—all under the radar. That’s the beauty of obscurity. It gives you a safe space to fail forward without the world taking notice.

And every misstep becomes a lesson that sharpens your craft. You won’t get roasted in reviews or see your name trending on Twitter for a misfire. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

4. Success is Yours to Define

Famous authors live under a microscope, and they’re often judged by external metrics: sales, awards, fan feedback. But as an unknown author, success is whatever you decide it is. It could be as simple as finishing your manuscript or getting that first review from a stranger who genuinely loves your work.

Your journey doesn’t have to fit into anyone’s box. You’re not chasing traditional markers of success, and that’s liberating. The only opinion that matters here is yours.

5. No Pressure, Just Passion

Writing should be about the passion, right? If you’ve ever wanted to go back to the time when you wrote purely for the joy of it, congratulations—you’re already there. When no one knows who you are, you’re not trying to meet anyone’s expectations but your own.

You can embrace the process, bask in the creativity, and write stories that ignite your soul. It’s about the love for the craft, not the hustle for recognition. And honestly? That’s the dream.

Final Thoughts

Of course there are more than Five Advantages of being an Unknown Author. However, being unknown isn’t a disadvantage—it’s a superpower.

At least in my super humble unknown opinion.

You have freedom, control, and the chance to experiment without the weight of expectations. You get to enjoy writing for what it is, without the noise that comes with fame.

So, take a deep breath, lean into where you are, and keep going. The world may not know your name yet, but you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing—writing stories that matter to you.

And that is the real victory.

No blog will be without a shameless self-promotion. I will do two if you don’t mind. If you found that this article resonated with you in your writing journey then join my mailing list. I will even throw in Kill them Dead book1 for free. It is just a way to let you know what’s going on and hopefully, we can connect. Join the mailing list here.

Of course, if you are just a reader and want to read our Zombie Apocalypse then read it here for free. No need to join any old list!

Take care and happy writing and/or reading


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